Friday, July 25, 2014

5 Ways to Increase Your MPG and Save Money

We all want more bang out of our buck. The following is a list of 5 ways you can increase the miles per gallon of your vehicle, thereby saving you money at the pump.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Summer Checklist for Your Vehicle

Nothing ruins a beautiful summer day more than car problems. Here’s a checklist to make sure your vehicle continues to conquer the long, hot days of summer.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Tires: Keep them Pumped and Rotated

Simple tire maintenance can both increase the life of your tires and optimize your gas mileage. Driving with over or under inflated tires can weaken your tires, cause uneven wear and impact your gas mileage. Here are a few simple tasks you can do in order to optimize the life of your tires and keep you safe on the road.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Summer Tip: Clean & Replace Wiper Blades

Have you ever been caught in a rain shower only to find out your wipers do not work properly? Your windshield turns into a streaky puddle and you can’t see a thing. Take a few easy steps in order to make sure you can see out your windshield when those nasty showers strike. The following are a few easy suggestions on how to keep your wipers working: